Monday, July 12, 2010

Improved Access To Independent Music

It is very easy to buy rock music nowadays. This does not pertain to purchasing CDs, for this is all about buying rock music online. The Internet has definitely become one of the most reliable sources when it comes to searching for all sorts of products, even music.
As much as the professionals in the music industry hate to admit, it actually makes sense to buy rock music online. In any music CD, there are times when there would be just two or three songs that you like on the record. Getting the whole record would just incur more expenses on your part. Thus, it would be so much better to just buy the songs that you want from websites that offer this service.
It is not difficult to find websites offering such a service at all. In fact, you can just perform a search for these websites on any search engine, and you will surely find a plethora of websites for your listening pleasure.
Case in own website My site is free join and I offer my music in varying formats. My personal favourite is Bandcamp. Releases via Bandcamp are offered in an variety of sound-file formats, downloading is a seamless affair, it accepts PayPal, individual tracks can be purchased and purchased cheaper than the major distributors whilst maintaining the highest quality sound-files.

<a href="">Snake Eyes by Bob Findlay</a>
If you note the player to your left, you can listen to the album "Mean Business" in its often as you like. Bandcamp allows the musician to offer discounts. I believe in utilising this fantastic tool to the hilt. Simply enter the word thistle at checkout to view the discount. You are under no obligation to purchase, even at this point.
If you do not find the idea of buying music online as a new one, then you surely must be tired of the racket of buying songs for 99 cents. This service did garner much popularity; however, the same degree of popularity just does not exist today. With the advent of MP3s and such, this option no longer holds well with music fans all over the world. 

This brings me to latest racket in purchasing rock music, which are the paid band membership sites.
These are the websites that allow you to download their music to your heart's content. However, you would have to pay an annual membership fee to have unlimited access to their vast collection of music files. 
What's more, these paid membership sites are legally affiliated with major record labels all over the world. Thus, when you buy rock music from them, you are not giving the rock musicians the money that they deserve to get from you.

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